Sensory Garden, Cork

Aideen Lydon asked 14 years ago

We are the Parents Association of a school in Douglas with a centre for Autistic children. We have a budget of approx EUR3500.00 to plant a garden.The sensory garden will include plants to touch, flowers to see and smell, birds to listen to, fruits and vegetables to taste, a place to move and learn how to care for plants and grow foods. We want to put alot of thought into what we plant and when, as our budget is limited. We look forward to any suggetions you can make regarding plants and layout. It is a large, flat sunny site, with reasonabe drainage. The plants will need to be robust to allow the boys to explore the area fully.. We look forward to your reply and to getting our hands mucky.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Start by trying to work out how the garden will be used, what your needs for it are and how those can be achieved taking into account site aspects, such as orientation to the sun, access, size of garden and maintenance.

Err on the small side as it is easy to expand if needs be, but too big an area becomes unmanageable quickly. Summer maintenance when school is on holiday is an important aspect, as is safety for users.

Any garden can appeal to all the senses but more scented, sound-making and textured plants can be included.

Finally, a visit to an existing sensory garden such as the Delta Garden in Carlow would prove invaluable.
