gravelling small front garden

Leona Hickey asked 16 years ago

want to gravel my front garden as it is too tiny for grass. No fence, just leads to pavement and communal parking. How do I do this? how far do I dig down and do i put a mulch down before gravel goes on. Much Appreciated.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Gravel is ideal for a small space. If you want to plant through the gravel and weed-proof membrane, you take off about 5 to 7cm of topsoil, layer the fabric and then  the gravel.

If you want a harder surface, for parking, remove 15 to 20cm of soil, put in 10 to 15cm of hardcore base, a ‘blinding’ layer of 2-3cm of fine material, well compacted and then the gravel layer of 3 to 5cm. 
