Creating a new bedding area with shrubs.

QuestionsGarden SkillsTechniquesGround preparationCreating a new bedding area with shrubs.
THOMAS FITZGERALD asked 9 years ago

I am new to gardening and have a large garden of which we have done little with over the last 12 years. I want to plant shrubs and perennials in a large bed which is approx. 4.5 metres by 1.5 metres and is at the front of my two storey house. Please give me tips on how to prepare bed/grass before planting. I hear mixed reports on using mypex, fine mulch? What is best?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
If there is existing grass, either remove the sod or turn it over an dbury it, or kill the grass once-off with Roundup spray. You can dig the soil if you wish but it is not essential and you can plant through the dead sod.

When the bed is planted, apply bark mulch, medium grade, to keep down weeds until the plants get going. If more weeds appear, use a hoe. 
