Bare root griselinia

Jemma Connolly asked 15 years ago
I have put off planting a bare root Griselina hedge with the supplier/gardener after reading your newsletter about their soft centres etc after the heavy frost and freezing conditions. He agrees to wait until mid Feb but how do i know that when he does plant it, it will do well over the next few years. Should i wait till March? Its probably the same batch he was going to plant in January no doubt. Is there any evidence to show its a good or bad batch just yet?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Located in Cabinteely in Dunlin, you are near enough to the coast not to have to worry about griselinia. It is unlikely to suffer from frost damage in your area, and it only suffers in an exceptionally cold winter inland.

You can plant anytime before the middle of April. 
