Brown patches on conifer tree

QuestionsHow to growTrees and ShrubsWateringBrown patches on conifer tree
Claire-Emmanuelle Balay asked 14 years ago

I have a conifer tree that started getting brown patches last year and these are getting larger and larger. What could have caused this? My garden is quite exposed. Also, last summer, I made a change to the area where that tree is planted: the whole bed used to be covered in gravel and I removed the gravel and moved the ground in order to add more plants. Could this have disturbed the tree?I don’t know the name of the tree but its normal colour is pale green/golden.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
It is likely that the disturbance of the soil has had an effect, but it might have happened anyway.

Trees are very susceptible to changes in the soil water supply, and any increase or decrease can cause trouble.

It is also the case that weakened trees are more affected by pests and diseases, but these are secondary effects.

There is nothing can be done to improve this thuya, Just leave it be and only give water if there is a long dry spell in summer. No feeding. 
