Busy Lizzie leaves curling up.

QuestionsHow to growSummer BeddingFlowersBusy Lizzie leaves curling up.
saldaisy asked 15 years ago

I planted busy lizzies outside in pots in mid April. The leaves have shrivelled and become discoloured and I fear that frost may have been the cause although I don’t remember any frosty nights since planting. I didn’t put any fertilizer in the pots,- just used the pots of potting compost which I used last year. If I should have used fertilizer or the like, could you please recommend a product as I am relatively new to gardening and seem to put in an awful lot of effort but don’t always get results!

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Mid-April is much too early to plant out summer bedding such as busy lizzies and although they may not have been frosted directly, the cold weather damages them. The middle of May is a better time.

Feed with any liquid feed every week or ten days through summer.
