Complete disaster

Sue Cullen asked 10 years ago

Two – level very overgrown garden. No topsoil or clay – only builder rubble, stones and sand.. Lower level sloping towards house with no retaining wall with wooden railing separating upper and lower levels. No access for mini digger. Two landscapers have said no to job with one saying it’s the worst he’s ever seen. Can you give me some advice please. We are senior citizens (68 & 69) but have removed most of the weeds by hand.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Weeds can be killed using Roundup, as a first step. 

With all that rubble, stone and sand, the drainage must be good, so why not turn adversity to advantage and have a dry garden. Some plants, such as lavender, cistus,  rosemary, russian sage, Convolvulus cneorum, abrieta, campanula and other rock garden plants, love dry conditions and they are easy to look after.

A dry garden can be surfaced with gravel, 5cm, and plants dotted in here and there, making a hole for them and using some soil mix to get them started. The dryness and the gravel keep weeds down. 

A dry garden can very attractive, unusual, cheap to establish and easy to keep. 
