I have a steep bank at the back of the garden but its very hard to grow anything, it seems quite dry and very stony! Daffodils appear to be about the only thing that is growing well. Can you recommend something to plant and also a fast ground covering plant that might cover the area. the area is roughly 90m2
1 Answers
A steep bank is best dealt with by planting it up with a mixture of trees and shrubs to disguise its slope. The trees and shrubs should be allowed to mix the levels for best disguise. You probably only need a handful of trees ans then shrubs. These palnts will need weeedcontrol until established and then will need little or no effort.
If the soil is dry, choose trees and shrubs that like dry ground, such as birch, holly and hazel, and shrubs such as broom, fuchsia, berberis, potentilla, bracyglottis, cerrtostigma and cotoneaster.