Growing wild flowers at end of garden. 70foot area

QuestionsHow to growFlowersBorder Perennial FlowersGrowing wild flowers at end of garden. 70foot area
Paul Guy asked 9 years ago

I am looking for some genuine advice from an expert. I have new garden and have new grass growing. I have an area at back around 70 foot long were I would like to grow wild flowers, see photo. Looking for advise as tho where I should purchase, what do I have to do to start.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
If part of a hedge is growing poorly it is due to either poor dry soil or wet soil, particularly in winter. And there might be water coming from the bank.

If this is the case, you might be able to run a drain to take water away.

if it is at the top of the bank, and it’s not waterlogging, it’s poor soil. Feed each spring, now for this year, with tree and shrub fertilizer or 10-10-20, 30 gm per linear metre of hedge, and apply a good mulch of rotted manure or similar organic matter.
