hazelnuts, cobnuts and filberts

QuestionsHow to growFruithazelnuts, cobnuts and filberts
anne parkinson asked 14 years ago

I would like to grow hazelnuts in my garden but most suppliers offer cobnuts or filberts. Which would be the nicer nut and most reliable crop? How are they best grown? Also I see almond trees on offer but I’m not sure whether they’re successfull in Ireland.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Hazelnuts are the wild native hazel, filberts and cobnuts are related with more round nuts and any of these can be grown. You will get beautiful blossom on almond trees but no nuts as the summers are too cold. Occasionally in a good hot summer, you might get a few small nuts. Fruits will often develop but the nut within will often have no kernel or a very small one.
