Hibernating trillium and paeonia?

QuestionsHow to growFlowersBorder Perennial FlowersHibernating trillium and paeonia?
asked 14 years ago

In Sep 2008,i planted a paeonia mlokosewitschii and also a trillium grandiflorum. In spring 2009,the trillium flowered and the paeonia made some growth but this year there wasnt sight nor trace of either of them. Im wondering are they taking a rest and will they reappear next year. I know that may be likely for the trillium but i dont know would the same apply to the paeonia even though i know they can be very slow.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
Both of these plants should have appeared. It is likely that conditions did not suit them, or in the case of trillium that slugs got the shoots before they emerged. Both are hardy so it is not frost. Both like well-drained, but not dry soil.
