Horse trodden lawn

Marj Doyle asked 13 years ago

What would you recommend to restore a horse trodden lawn to its original condition as at 4th February. Basically two horses intruded on a lawn one night and left a lot of hoofprints. The lawn is an average square sub-urban back-garden lawn with no flower-beds. The soil is fairly soft and there are just imprints of horses’s hooves – see attached photos. Will a roll suffice? Should it be done now in February? Or should we wait until the ground dries out in, say April. Would it need o be aerated? Or is there something else we should do?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
The marks are not very deep and when the grass stands up again, they will not be very noticeable.

Over a few weeks the soil will weather and pretty much even out.

By summer, you should see no lingering marks, but if there are spread some topsoil with a rake to even them out.
