Lawn, beech hedge and laurel

QuestionsHow to growLawnsFeedingLawn, beech hedge and laurel
Brian Rochford asked 15 years ago

I planted a new garden in March/April.Could you advise me as to where I could buy a greenhouse in Ireland? I am looking for a 10ft by 8ft.191The Lawn has grown reasonable well to about 6 cm but is patchy and lots of weeds are coming through. The back garden is particularly patchy. Any recomendation re the weeds, and patchy lawnThe Copper Beach hedge is doing very well. I bought four ft plants and the guy who put down the lawn spread grass seed over the area of the new hedge. Is this OK or should i take up the new gras and just leave as clay? When should I cut back the hedge to promote growth and thickness..Finally, I have planted a retaining laurel hedge again four or five ft high plants. Someone suggested i should cut these back hard in July. Any thoughts re this suggestion. Again grass seed planted in or around the plants…

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
The lawn should be mown regularly and given some lawn feed.

The grass should be taken away from the base of the hedge and the hedge can be given some feeding too. Do not cut back unless it is very lanky.
