Leyland cypress tree turning brown

QuestionsHow to growTrees and ShrubsPests and DiseasesLeyland cypress tree turning brown
Mairead Kavanagh asked 15 years ago

My 50-60 year old tree, Leyland cypress is turning very brown over the last couple of years. My lawn can get very waterlogged when it rains heavily so, it can’t have dried out. Also, I have planted a few eucalyptus trees in the last couple of years nearby, and they are growing well. I have noticed a lot of ivy growing on the main trunk of the leyland cypress.How can I get this tree back to it’s green glory?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Leyland cypress does not like wet ground and it is possible that a root rot has developed. The tree will have to take its chances … nothing you can do, except improve the draiange if possible.
