Mint Seeds Not Growing

Frank Forde asked 8 years ago

I recently bought some mint seeds online. I planted them in composted seed trays about a month ago with no sign of life!The package advises to sow in March but would this just be to avoid potential frosts? The variety I bought were ‘Tagetus Minuta Muster John Henry Peruvian Black Mint’ (a bit of a mouthful!). To me that sounds like that this variety grows only in hotter climates? I understand that they’re fairly aggressive once they take off.I would greatly appreciate if you could advise if I’m using the correct variety for this part of the world. As a general question re mint,how do they fare in Winter times?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
Tagetes minuta, or Mexican marigold, is not a mint although it can be called black mint sometimes.

Tagetes is tender and can be grown outdoors only in summer. It is use to combat weeds and the leaves are used as a kitchen herb but can cause dermatitis.

 Sow it in a seed tray on a heat mat, like Frecn marigold, in March or Aril.

Seeds in packets are not always alive. 
