Mowing and feeding of new lawn

QuestionsHow to growLawnsFeedingMowing and feeding of new lawn
Maura Morrin asked 15 years ago
Over an acre of new lawn set in September 2009. Conflicting advice being received regarding whether or not to feed it this Spring. It survived floods and frost and snow since November. No mowing done yet due to zero growth. If feed is recommended could you suggest the correct feed for the lawn please and how long to leave then before mowing it.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Most lawns need a spring feed, especially if you want vigorous green grass. On a big area like that you can apply a high nitrogen fertiliser using a little spreader. This can be a slow-release kind or a farm fertiliser, which is cheap. Normally this is applied in late March. Wait a week before mowing.
