Permeable plastic sheeting

QuestionsHow to growTrees and ShrubsWeedsPermeable plastic sheeting
Anne McGeough asked 12 years ago

I planted 2 rows of hawthorn shrubs last year on hillside entrance laneway. They are 2 feet high now but weeding is very labour intensive . Row length is 100ft. I’m advised to place pearmeabile plastic sheeting along rows to suppress weeds. They say rainwater will get through but I’m worried because of medium gradient of hillside. I’m concerned that plant will be starved of rainwater. Can you please advise?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Permeable weed-suppressing membranes, such as Mypex, can be useful in the circumstances you describe. It is effective but not very good to look at unless covered with bark or some such, and this can lead to weeds growing on top.

Probably the best is a compromise, use the sheeting for a number of years until the hedge is established and then take it off when the hedge is strong enough to compete against weeds.

Rain will penetrate without difficulty.
