pH of farmyard manure, top soil or bark

QuestionsHow to growTrees and ShrubsSoilpH of farmyard manure, top soil or bark
Mairin asked 15 years ago

My front garden is south facing and very exposed to the wind. The soil is acidic, but very peaty which tends to dry out quickly. I want to put either farmyard manure, top soil or bark to retain the moisture but I need to keep the ph of the soil below 7 as I have a number of acid loving plants. All three products I will be buying in the local garden centre. Is there any of those products that you would recommend or is there another product which would be more suitable?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Bark would be the best for this purpose as it will hold moisture in best and resists weeds best. Also it is more acidic in reaction.
