Problem with a common Cherry tree

john curley asked 16 years ago

I have a Cherry tree in the back garden, approx 30 years old, its leaves are smaller than normal and sickly looking, it usually has large leaves and heathier.There is damage at the back of the tree where the bark is falling off, there is woodlice in this area and what looks like woodworm holes.Some of the smaller branches are also dying off. In the past year we have had major building done with ground disturbance around the treee and affecting some roots.This tree has sentimental value can it be saved

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago

I have a Cherry tree in the back garden, approx 30 years old, its leaves are smaller than normal and sickly looking, it usually has large leaves and heathier.There is damage at the back of the tree where the bark is falling off, there is woodlice in this area and what looks like woodworm holes.Some of the smaller branches are also dying off. In the past year we have had major building done with ground disturbance around the treee and affecting some roots.This tree has sentimental value can it be saved
