problem with leaves on tomato plants

QuestionsHow to growTomatoesGreenhouse Growingproblem with leaves on tomato plants
joanne walsh asked 14 years ago

I have a plastic greenhouse and I am growing, aubergine, melon, cucumber, chillies and tomatoes (big boy, moneymaker) I bought some of the tomato plants from a garden centre and others I was given. The leaves on my tomatoes are beginning to go yellow at the ends, this gardaully creeps up the leaves to the stem of the plant, they then turn brown and detach from the stem. There are lots of flowers but no fruit forming, the flowers are just falling off. What is it and how do I resolve this problem?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
This sounds like a root problem. While it is possible that botrytis or grey mould disease can affect a few leaves in the manner you describe, when all the leaves are affected, it is more likley to be a root rot.

Tomato plants will shed old leaves first, then the tips of leaves and the whole leaf finally. No fruit is formeing because the plants are weakened.

There are various root rots of tomatoes, easily diagnosed by lifting an affected plant … if the roots are brown and rotted, not white and healthy, this is root rot disease which can be brought in on plants.

The causal fungi carry on in the soil and you will have to grow in pots or grow-bags.
