Problems with Damson and Plum Trees

QuestionsHow to growFruitPlums and CherriesProblems with Damson and Plum Trees
Anne McGeough asked 12 years ago

I have 2 damson and 2 plum trees. They are 6 years old. They have grown fairly profusely but little or no fruit . Only a single damson and a single plum last year. I have planted a new damson and plum tree last year of different variety in case pollination problems. There is an old damson tree close by and it bears fruit each year . What do you think is wrong?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Damson and plums often take a few years to settle to carry fruit and this depends on the weather as frost can affect the flowers, these both flowering relatively early.

Shortening back many of the long new shoots in summer can help to reduce vigour. 

The older tree has settled into a fruiting pattern.
