Propagating begonia and overwintering

QuestionsHow to growFlowersBulbsPropagating begonia and overwintering
Eileen Keohane asked 14 years ago

I got a large tuber from friend and planted it in Spring in garden.It grew very large with beautiful large flowers The stems are 3-4 ins wide and blooms about 5ins.Height of plant about 2i/2ft..The heavy rain yesterday broke off one branch from just above ground. It has tiny roots. Could I plant this on for next year and how? Advice on overwintering the tuber in the soil.. I have a wooden shed with a window window

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 6 years ago
Begonia can be propagated by stem cuttings taken in early to mid-summer.

When the top yellows or gets knocked by frost, the tuber can be lifted and allowed to dry in a shed for a week or ten days, The stems will then fall away and the tuber can be stored in dry peat in a shed and potted up again in March. 
