Rhubarb – Triffid flower!

205201054 asked 15 years ago

I planted rhubarb in a shady patch of my garden last year, but moved it in spring to a sunny position once I learnt it needs a sunny location. There is a lot of growth on the plant now (end April) but all the stalks are green, and the centre stalk has gone to flower (it’s about 4 ft high now). I’m wondering whether I should leave the plant alone to die back naturally, and hope to have edible stalks next year, or should I cut the flower stalk and / or some of the foliage now?

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Cut down the flower stalk and use some of the leaf stalks now. Green ones are perfectly good. And feed with some lawn mowings during the summer.
