Scutch infestation

Ultan Mc Donagh asked 10 years ago

So my lawn has become around 70-80% scutch. I want to avoid the nuclear option of roundup, Rotavate and reseed since the lawn is about 3/4 of an acre. I’m scarifying heavily tomorrow and overseedng in the hope it will help. Have I any other options..??

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
The alwn does not have scutch …scutch does not tolerate regaulr mowing. It is probably fescue or bent that looks scutchy. Scarifying and overseeding will definitely help.

A lawn can be oversown without cultivation but killing all grass and re-growth with 2 applications of glyphosate about 5 weeks or more apart and then oversowing into the dead sod. September is a good time to do this.
