yellowing bottom leaves on rhododendron

QuestionsHow to growTrees and ShrubsFeedingyellowing bottom leaves on rhododendron
Dan McAuliffe asked 14 years ago

I’ve 2 rhodendrums in pots side by side, one is perfect and healthy but on the other one over the past few weeks has slightly lost colour and it’s bottom leaves have gone yellow. They are well fertilized and seaweed extract added regularly. I’ve checked for grubs and there does’nt seem to be any present.

1 Answers

Gerry Daly Staff answered 7 years ago
Pairs of rhododendrons in pots often behave differently. They ar every sensitive to over-watering, under-watering and too much feeding. Regular seaweed extract is not necessary – once a year maybe.

What happens is a difference in the rate of drainage or drying out and this affects one plant or the other, or sometimes one can have a root rot infection that causes dieback. And vine weevils can be a factor.

Try to ascertain what the problem might be from these possibilities and adjust accordingly.
